Friday, August 12, 2005

My Customers

Thankfully the tide of customers we were getting has seamed to calm down.

Woke up this morning about 5:30 because courtney had to open this morning.
Arived at work at about 6:15 and started playing conquer. Killed this asshat HalfBloodPrince over and over because he is a looser and has nothign better to do than come into the game and make people miserable. He called a truce and said he woudl quit. I got not 1 map away and got a yell for help by another player in my guild. Then came back in and killed him AGIAN only to have him say "What did i do, then log off" hopefully he will continue to be gone the rest of the day.

it's noon and i have only had to deal with abour 20 customers. Most of them just looking around.

1 Virus Removeal
2 New Hard Drives
1 Majorly pain in the ass spyware removal
1 Reinstall
1 New Laptop cdrom drive

we had 2 solicitors come in today who i told to get the hell out and that they were trespassed from the complex. However they just went to the next place down in our complex so i had to chase them off ( Literaly ).

Not bad for the day

Things in my world

There are only a few things in my world. Some of these things are wonderful, Sone dreadful and some amuseing. In no paticular order here those things are.

My work (More Computers)
My favoret game ConquerOnline
My Girlfriend Courtney
My Ferrettes
My cat
My customers i will one day hunt down and kill.

Welcome to my world

My name is brandon and i work for a laptop computer manufacturer.

I sit here all day and fix computers. We also deal with alott of walk in customers with laptops and desktops.

I needed a place to rant and found one right here.

this is my story. It will probably be boering and verry mis spelled.